The Shanghai Circle Review 23rd October 2023

A review of ‘The Shanghai Circle’ by a member of the Online Book Club on the 23d of October 2023

5 out of 5 stars

Tony Henderson’s The Shanghai Circle is a captivating series that immerses readers in the rich tapestry of 1930s Shanghai, shedding light on both its local and expatriate populations. The narrative revolves around three distinctive characters drawn together by the magnetic pull of the city. First, we meet Joseph Cheung, the heir to a powerful triad family, grappling with both familial tensions and his quest for love and self-discovery. As secrets about his family’s past unravel, he faces daunting challenges.

Davina Guest, a British-born Shanghainese woman, emerges as the second key figure. She’s a dynamic Taipei, navigating the complexities of business while uncovering a hidden side of herself. The third character is Irina, a young Russian woman desperate to escape her father’s debts, leading her into a complicated entanglement. Her story takes unexpected turns. Throughout the series, these characters navigate the intricate web of Shanghai’s international concessions, its glamorous jazz-age nightlife, and the murky world of crime and espionage. This book promises to unveil the intertwined tales of locals, expatriates, and refugees, offering insights into their struggles, aspirations, and the various forces shaping their destinies.

I appreciate the book’s concise grammar, historical accuracy, compelling characters, and its ability to transport readers to 1930s Shanghai. Among the protagonists, Davina stands out with her captivating journey as a Lady Taipan, balancing work and love. Her dedication and love for people are admirable, making her the embodiment of grace, strength, and intelligence in this 1930s Shanghai adventure. She navigates the complex world of pre-World War II Shanghai with determination, excelling in international concessions, political intrigue, and underworld dealings. Davina’s resilience, commitment to her family’s legacy, and adaptability in a changing world inspire She symbolizes empowerment and serves as a role model for overcoming challenges. Amidst a richly woven narrative exploring the city’s mysteries, Lady Taipan shines as a guiding light, making her one of the most cherished characters in this captivating Shanghainese adventure series.

One reason I do not dislike this book is its ability to vividly transport me to 1930s Shanghai, creating an immersive and captivating experience. The intricate character development and the engaging plot add depth to the narrative, making it enjoyable. Moreover, the author’s skill in crafting compelling characters is commendable, and it allows readers to connect with the story on a personal level. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy historical fiction set in exotic locales, especially those with an interest in 1930s Shanghai. It’s ideal for those who appreciate intricate character development and a vivid sense of place. The book was exceptionally well-edited and error-free.

I gave this book a rating of 5 out of 5 stars for its immersive 1930s Shanghai setting and historical accuracy. The book shines in character development, particularly with the dynamic figure of Davina, a Lady Taipan. Her journey balancing work and love, resilience, and adaptability stands out. The plot’s engaging complexity, well-edited prose, and empowerment themes make it a compelling read. It’s highly recommended for historical fiction enthusiasts intrigued by 1930s Shanghai, seeking intricate character development and a strong sense of place. While not a perfect score, it offers a rich, educational, and captivating experience.


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