The Hong Kong Circle

This is the second novel in the Chinese Circles series, which was released in January 2023.

It covers Hong Kong from when my characters arrived in 1937 from Shanghai and began to establish their lives anew, only to be invaded again by the Japanese in 1941.

This was followed by the dreadful four years of Japanese occupation until Japan surrendered after Hiroshima. Dreadful for the inhabitants including my characters except for Joseph who like the other triads worked for, not against, the invaders

In 1946 the Colony gradually started to recover. However, across the border, the civil war ended and Mao Zedong began his rule as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949.

So Hong Kong had something else to worry about which we will follow in the third novel, The Mao Circle.

The Hong Kong Circle is available as an eBook or paperback on Amazon. Some links – US, UKSpain, Canada, Australia

The Acknowledgements section gives you information on the books I read during my research, particularly about the Hong Kong troops, assisted by part of the Canadian army, who fought and died in the attempt to save the Colony. Also the internment of the civilians in a camp in Stanley on Hong Kong Island.

You can find out a lot about the fighting against the Japanese in the Photos section. There is a huge input from various Canadian sites, which helps publicise what most people are unaware of, being Canada assisting in the defence of Hong Kong and losing 25% of its troops during the fighting and internment

I didn’t prepare a Fact and Fiction section as most of what I have written really happened during the war period in Hong Kong. All I did was throw Davina, Thomas, Irina and Joseph into the events, and it was fun, but not for Davina and Thomas in particular.  Read the novel and find out!


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